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human wealth中文是什么意思

用"human wealth"造句"human wealth"怎么读"human wealth" in a sentence


  • 人力财富


  • The technique yardstick of human wealth
  • Perfection of human character is the mean to the end of human wealth
  • Innovation is the source of the human wealth and the drive of the economic development
  • The long - term meaning of the un - complete labor transfer lies in accumulating human capital and non - human wealth
  • The main reason of the un - complete labor transfer mode in china is not the institution restraint , but the lack of urban - living ability which is the certain result of constant institution wage , family decision and the lack of non - human wealth
  • This tide of m & a of banking has greatly influenced every corner of the world , and has made enormous contributions to the global economy , as well as the human wealth . but it has also greatly challenged the effectiveness of the banking and the financial supervision as well , which have caused great attention and extensive research among the policy makers , academia and financial circles
  • At present , manufacturing has become the main industry for creating human wealth . and it is the basement of material and spiritual civilization . however , on the other hand , it consumes a lot of the limited resources and causes serious environment pollution
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